Monday, May 21, 2012

To Jasper and back...

Well, my Mother and Father-in-law are in town and we are rapidly becoming spoiled. By that I mean, I cleaned up the kitchen and prepared dinner all while someone else was playing with the kiddies! Yes! Claire is beside herself with joy! Grayson is a little more wary but he is becoming more excited to see them when he wakes up.
We decided to take a one night trip to Jasper, Alberta over the weekend. As we were driving we saw lots of wildlife.

We would be driving along and then all of a sudden everyone would pull over and jump out of their cars to take included! The big horn sheep were the first animals we saw and a couple of them walked right by our car before nonchalantly waltzing across the road.

 Then we looked across the street and there were two mountain goats! They aren't seen very often because they spend most of their time up in the mountains!

A little ways down the road and we saw some elk!

We had a great time eating out and walking around the little town and going in to the souvenir shops. I just love those places! Claire thought when we got back to our room that we should "eat popcorn and have a jammie party!" So we did! She went right to sleep on her pull-out couch bed while Charlie and I dealt with our other child who decided he did not like the strange place he was in! 
The next morning we were up and ready to see the Columbia Ice Field. On the way we saw this guy (A Grizzly!!) snacking by the side of the road. 

We left Grayson in the car with Mimi while we hiked up to the glacier. It was so fun! We went right up through the snow to get a good look at it.
The white part is the glacier now. It has melted very slowly away over the years, but isn't that neat?!!
I turned around to find the was way way down!
The snow part is what we climbed through. I was so happy on the way up, but I was scared to death on the way down! My sweet Father-in-law held my hand so I wouldn't slide. I just knew I would land on my hind end, but I didn't. 
We spent a lot of hours in the car yesterday traveling back. It is always nice to be home (I think Grayson was so relieved) but it was great to take a little trip. Thanks for the fun, Mimi and Dat!

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