Tuesday, September 20, 2011

Two Months

Grayson is two months old, can you believe it?

He is growing like a weed....and eating a lot too! :)

Grayson now weighs 12 pounds 4 ounces. He is 24 inches long. He is exactly one pound heavier and one inch longer than Claire was at two months.

We are starting to stay pretty much on schedule. His morning nap is still a little random, but he takes a good afternoon nap at 1pm every day. Grayson is now going to bed between 9 and 10 and waking up once at night, usually around 3:30am. He then wakes up at 6:30am and (thankfully!) goes back to sleep until 8:30am.

He just started cooing and smiling at me a lot..which I love! He is pretty laid back and really doesn't require much to be happy!

Grayson is now wearing 3 months outfits and a size 1 diaper, but the next time we get diapers we have to get a size 2...they are getting a bit small!

Claire and Grayson at 2 months.
Grayson at one and two months.
We are enjoying out sweet boy!

Also, Grayson's surgery has been scheduled for November 3rd. We have quite a few appointments coming up to check his hearing and meet the doctor again and anethesiologist. He also has to be fitted for his arm splints he will wear for 3 weeks after his surgery. We are nervous about having him "put under" and have to be tormented with surgery, but hopeful that this will repair his lip and make him look more "normal." (We still think he is handsome, though!)

1 comment:

  1. I cannot believe how much he has changed!!! He looks so big and handsome :) Is that the onesie I got him? It looks familiar!! I miss you guys and was so glad to see the update! Love ya all
