Today Charlie, Claire, and I went to Fort Edmonton. I was excited for Charlie to see everything. Claire and I had a great time the last time we were there.
When we arrived the park was closed and we had a while to spare so we walked down a nearby trail. I enjoyed looking at the changing leaves. It really seems like time has gone by so fast since we moved here, and I can't believe it is fall!
You just can't help but love that sweet smile! |
Then, we headed into the park. The train didn't run today like it did last time. Instead, we took a wagon tour. I was really interested to hear more about the fur trading. The beavers here were made into beaver felt hats and they compared owning one of those hats to having a Lamborghini today...can you imagine?
Daddy and Claire on the wagon. |
We got off the wagon at the fort and spent a lot of time looking in all of the rooms and in the main house.
After that, Claire was hungry. I was so glad Charlie packed a lunch for us, because the food vendors were closed today. I had such a nice time being with our family while having a picnic.
We walked from the picnic table to the two different streets featured in the park. And there we saw the biggest rabbit I have EVER seen! He was bigger than Gus...I think he could've carried off Claire!
Only in Canada, eh? |
We wondered around a while longer. Everytime I turned around, this is what I saw...
She was just as happy as can be walking behind us carrying her juice!
On the way back to the front gate, we stopped at the Midway. It was closed, but Charlie wanted you to see the kinds of performers they advertised there.
Funny, huh? :)