Monday, April 30, 2012

Put the pedal to the metal!

Last weekend it was finally warm enough to venture outside and walk to the playground. Grayson had been sick all day and I think that Charlie was at his wit's end with all of the screaming he was making. We thought putting him in the stroller for a ride would be a good idea for all of us! We told Claire she could ride her tricycle to the playground and you would've thought she had won the lottery she was so excited!
I think she realized soon after she started pedaling that this was going to be a lot of work! But she did really well and was way better than she was last summer. Having longer legs does help! We are still working on steering, though. Charlie had to pull her out of the grass many times!
It was so nice to be out walking around. We have had a really weird April. It has pretty much been: snow, melting, more snow, more melting. This is a rough time of year because all you hear about from friends and family at home is how nice the weather is and I am still wearing sweaters! How I long to break out my flip flops too!
We got to a big hill and that was where Claire decided she was tired. Charlie carried her the rest of the way. Too bad the stroller didn't have a big enough basket for the tricycle!
When we got to the playground Claire took off for the swings. She wanted to sit in the "baby" swings, but Charlie told her that she was too big this year. I can't believe she wanted to try and squeeze in those!
See the guy next to Charlie? This is a typical example of how we dress compared to Canadians in the spring.  They pull out shorts as soon as the snow is gone. But really it was barely 60 degrees.
I sat down to watch Claire play and to keep an eye on Grayson. He managed to take a five minute nap, but the walk did help distract him some. Poor guy!
I am looking forward to many many more warm days with lots of walks to the playground!

1 comment:

  1. Look at Claire!!! :) Glad you all were able to get out for a walk...makes all the difference in the world!
