We had a nice Easter weekend! We started the weekend off by having some friends over to eat pizza. I was super super excited because we recently got a Papa John's in our neighborhood and I haven't had Papa John's since we moved. It was a beautiful moment when I tasted that pizza!
Charlie and I made a bunny cake too. I remembered eating bunny cakes that my grandpa made while growing up and wanted to start a tradition with our family. Charlie and I were a little disappointed that the cake was crumbly and hard to shape (he said it looked like a kindergarten project), but it tasted good so that was a plus!
I still think it turned out cute... |
We also dyed eggs and had a mini egg hunt in our living room. I just happened to get this kit that was mess-free! You put the eggs in little bags and squirted dye packets in the bags and squished the dye all over the egg. It was sooo easy! Definitely getting that kit again next year (hope they carry it in the US for when we move back too!)
On Saturday we got the kids all dressed up in their Easter clothes and took off to the mall to sit on the Bunny's lap. Claire was really excited about all the Easter fun we were having. She has made up a new song that she sings while dancing in circles around the kitchen and living room. It goes something like "I'm gonna hop hop hop like a bunny for Easter!" (Creative, huh?)
We walked to where the Bunny was and got in line. It was just our luck that after standing their a few minutes a worker told us that the Bunny would be taking a 15 minute break soon. Hmm. I decided it would be best to feed Grayson ASAP to keep him happy, so I did that quickly. Then, I told Claire that the Bunny was going to go to the bathroom which caused her to immediately say, "I need to go too!" Yikes! So we took off to the nearest potty. And when we got back we were next in line for our picture. Perfect timing!
So, I sat the kids on the Bunny's lap and got right beside the photographer so I could "assist/yell/entertain" the kids to try and get the best picture possible. And things weren't going too well at first mainly because Claire was smiling with her eyes looking away (which I call "crazy eyes") but then the Bunny started tickling Grayson which brought on the biggest smiles and I thought "yes, this is going to be perfect." But I was wrong wrong wrong. Every great picture of Grayson was terrible of Claire. So, in the end we sacrificed Grayson for Claire and got the best picture of her and poor Grayson is looking slightly away. I know, I know...so sad for Grayson. I guess getting a perfect picture of two kids in just not possible. Now I know.
The best I could get of the kids at home. |
After that interesting experience we ate lunch. I will seriously miss Tim Horton's when we move. It is a Panera Bread-ish place with great donuts and I love the soup deal that comes with a drink and a donut...mmm! Claire really loves their ranch chicken wraps and eats the entire wrap!
The girl loves her wrap! |
Watching us eat... |
We had some tired kids after that. We headed back to the car and made it home for them to take some much needed naps. Claire started her nap early in the car...
poor girl!
On Sunday Claire was up and ready to see her Easter Bunny treats! She found eggs filled with jelly beans and then examined all of her candy. That girl loves her candy! Ha! Grayson got teething keys. He was very happy to have something else to chew on!
We went to church and had a nice sermon followed by a yummy church dinner. We had turkey, stuffing, mashed potatoes, bread, veggies, and cake! It was so nice that they put on something like that for those without family close by.
I think this whole weekend was a success! Time with friends, fun family time, some sort of good pictures, candy, and celebrating Jesus' Resurrection!