Saturday we took off to Gibbons, Alberta to visit the Jurassic Forest! Claire was ready to see some dinosaurs! Charlie saw this place advertised on the news and after checking out the website we thought this was something we needed to see.
There were two paths that led through the forest to see the dinosaurs. Each dinosaur had a sign on the path that told some information about it. There were signs that also gave information about other plants or insects that are native to the area. Each dinosaur was sensored to move when you walked near it. Claire loved hearing them roar and watching them move their heads, tails, and even blink!
Claire must have been a little tired when we got to the park because she spent most of the first path watching from her stroller...that is not like her!
Charlie and I liked this guy. Even his spines moved! |
Checking out the dinosaurs with Daddy. |
Everyone was waiting to see the T-Rex! If you look close you can see that he is munching on a little dinosaur and there is another one under his foot!
After we finished the first path we took a playground break. Claire didn't have to be persuaded to play, she ran right out there to explore!
I loved this slide! Isn't it funny? |
I look like a beached whale! |
After Claire played for a few minutes, we took the second path to see some more!
This sign was posted on the path. Charlie and I considered throwing Claire in....but thought maybe we shouldn't do that, ha!
This is the Albertosaurus. Can you guess where he is from? |
After we finished checking out the second path, we ate our picnic lunch. Claire then convinced Charlie to play on the playground again.
Brushing some dinosauur bones! |
Since we have gotten back Claire has spent a lot of time talking about dinosaurs. Charlie even dug through my classroom books in the basement to find Claire a dinosaur book! We have read it at least twenty times this weekend!
How fun is that!!!!!!! Sam would LOVE that place!!!!! :)