Sunday, August 15, 2010


This weekend we ventured out to the Fringe festival. This is where the street performers from all over Canada come to perform. Charlie was so excited to see what they could do. Claire was thrilled to ride the train again. The last two days she has insited on bringing her two babies with her everywhere. Even right now she is sleeping with them in her crib. I think it is so sweet. She kisses both of them every 30 seconds and likes to make them go "night night." I have been waiting for her to play with babies for so long!!

The two performers we watched were really talented. I couldn't help but be appalled that both of them rode their unicycles in their underwear! What in the world?

He was very proud of his "Canadian" underwear!
This was the last festival of the summer. I guess now we have the fall festivals to look forward to!!

1 comment:

  1. It's festival mania up there!! I absolutely LOVE that Claire loves her babies! I remember you watching Riley with hers and wishing for Claire to do that! Yey!
