Grayson is 11 months old! Can that be true? Where did my baby go??
We have now started the weaning process and I am a nice mixture of sad and happy. Sad to be done with the bonding of feeding my baby boy, but happy to have my body back, ha! Last week I dropped the 4 o'clock feeding and it has been going okay. I am planning on dropping one feeding a week until his birthday. Grayson is (kind of) learning to use a sippy cup. He has been given the sippy cup many times but has yet to get anything out of it by himself. He does seem to like the Avent cup better than the hard plastic Playtex cup, though. I'm keeping my fingers crossed that he gets the hang of it soon!
We have been leaving home to enjoy the nice weather a lot lately and this boy is just so laid back. He loves to sit in his stroller and is even content to just crawl around and watch his big sissy play. He now can crawl pretty well on his knees. His newest accomplishment is going from crawling to sitting. I have gone to get him from his naps a few times and found him sitting up in his bed.

AND...he is FINALLY sleeping through the night! I read an article on the internet about how to sleep train your baby and it worked! I do think that he was also just ready, but worked!!! The article said to go in when your baby wakes up and cover them back up, pat their back, etc. but not to pick them up or talk to them and quickly leave. Of course they will scream (and boy did Grayson!) so go back at 2 mins, 5 mins, 10, 15, 20, etc. until they stop crying. The first night I went back in at 2, 5 and before I got to 10 he fell asleep. Then he woke up an hour later and I went back at 10,15,and 20 and he fell asleep and slept through the night. He has only woken up twice in the last week and I have just ran in and patted his back for a few seconds and he has gone right back to sleep until morning. YES!!!!!! I think part of the reason he has been waking up is because he is working on some new teeth. It looks like four are coming quickly. Yay for new teeth!

Some other new things this month are: he is babbling more and he can now push buttons on his toys to make them light up or make music. He is also eating more and picking up and feeding himself some foods. His favorites right now are avacado and peaches. I have been giving him mixed vegetables and peas to feed himself and that works pretty well.
Grayson is still wearing 12-18 months onesies and 6-12 or 12-18 months pants. He is in a size 4 diaper and I think he will be in that size a long time. I did notice that his 18 months sleepers aren't so big anymore. He will be in a 2T before I know it! Yikes!
It is true that the older they get the easier things are. Grayson has gotten pretty easy to take care of. He keeps to his schedule pretty well and still likes to take two naps a day. The only problem we have been having lately is getting his diaper changed...that boy can flip over the fastest I have ever seen! Even with a toy in each hand, he still flips! It is almost impossible to change his diaper and put his clothes on at the same time. I find that when I get to the clothes part I have to move him to the floor because I need to sit down, ha!
So, now I am only a few weeks away from Grayson's first birthday party. I need to get busy! We are pretty much settled on having a Mickey party. This boy just loves his Mickey! We are going to invite some friends over. I do hate that family won't be attending, but we are thankful to have some friends that can celebrate with us!