Grayson is ten months old! I am late posting this because the time just slipped right by! I can't believe that in two months he will be one! Wow!
This has been a big month for Grayson. He bounced back from his ear infection and started eating again (big sigh of relief). He still has days where he doesn't eat very much, but he is more interested in his food...especially if you bring out the Puffs can!
I am also happy to announce that Grayson has finally surpassed his 17 pounds 11 ounces! WOOHOO! I haven't had him weighed in a few weeks, but he was over 18 pounds the last time I had him checked. I hadn't even noticed until I went back over my old posts, but had been stuck at 17 pounds 11 ounces since January. The doctors we saw weren't concerned since he was getting longer and his head was getting bigger. I guess this guy is going to be long and skinny!
Grayson is now wearing 12 months and some 18 months sleepers. His summer onesies are 12-18 months and his pants are 6-12 months or 12-18 months. He needs the 12-18 months pants for length! No high-water pants for this guy! :)
He is wearing a size 4 diaper...not because of his weight but because I got tired of cleaning his blow-outs! He also had his two front teeth come in this month. They make him look so big!
Check out my teeth! |
The three biggest (and most fun) accomplishments for Grayson this month is his clapping, waving, and crawling! He first clapped over Skype to Mimi and not long after that he waved bye-bye to her too. Then, I had him on the floor and he pushed himself to a book. Both Claire and Grayson first crawled to a book. He uses a sort of army method, but it gets the job done...even if it is very slow (and easily distracted!) I captured him on video this first YouTube upload...haha!
I feel like Grayson has been going through a growth spurt lately. Last night I fed him at his normal time before bed and he threw a fit and acted like he wanted more. I thought maybe I should thaw some frozen milk for him and he sucked it down which is remarkable because he rarely ever takes a bottle and usually hates it. Lo and behold, it made him so happy to have that extra milk. He went right to sleep without any fussing. Now I am thinking I might need to start pumping every night to save up a supply. After pumping with Claire so much I have not pumped hardly at all. But I am willing to do anything to make that little guy happy!
On a funny note, we realized that Grayson loves Mickey Mouse. He started reacting to a Mickey Mouse coloring book that Mimi and Dat brought for Claire. He will bounce up and down and try as hard as he can to reach it. If the Mickey Mouse Clubhouse comes on tv he goes crazy...bouncing...babbling at it...smiling! We had been planning a monkey theme for his first birthday, but I might have to rethink that!
I just am loving this boy so much. He has changed a ton in the last ten months. He is a bit of a Momma's boy...but I admit I do love that!