Please ignore the wet hair and pajama pants...I took this picture myself, ha! And isn't the doorknob at the perfect spot? I hope my belly button isn't that bad! |
Pregnancy Highlights:
How Far Along: I'm 31 Weeks! Nine more weeks to go, can you believe it?
Size of Baby: The baby is around 16 inches long and weighs over three pounds. Like carrying four naval oranges!
Total Weight Gain/Loss: If I am figuring this correctly...I think I have gained about 20 pounds so far.
Maternity Clothes: All maternity at this point. I even need some bigger clothes, some of the pants are squeezing the life out of me!
Gender: It's a BOY! Grayson Earl Mays!
Movement: I feel him a lot! I think he will like gymnastics like his sister with all of his crazy movements.
Cravings:I think at some point I have craved everything. But, mostly I have craved baked goods lately (I have made a chocolate chip cake twice now) and peanut butter.
Symptoms: I feel pretty good. I am having a bit of trouble getting comfortable while sleeping, but other than that I don't have any complaints.
Best moment this week: I went to the doctor yesterday and everything is looking good. Claire went too and really enjoyed hearing Baby Grayson's heartbeat. She said it was a "pop pop" sound.